
Harry Sokal
2013 10. 24.
Pressburger Klezmer Band
2011 10. 01.
Pavol Bodnár Trio
2010 12. 16.
Jurkovič - Hajnal
2010 12. 09.
Erik Rothenstein trio
2010 05. 29.
Hars Viktor Band
2009 05. 28.
Gonda János
2009 04. 08.
Vázsonyi János
2008 08. 09.
Harcsa Veronika
Zsinagóga2008 07. 07.
Nothing But Swing Trio
ZUS Sahy2007 11. 21.
Trio Olamar
ZUS Sahy2007 11. 08.
Jens Bunge a trio Pavla Bodnara
Evangel. templom2007 10. 15.
Trio Lennart Nevrin
ZUS Sahy2007 10. 11.
AMC Trio
ZUS Sahy2007 09. 21.
Norbert Kovács
Menora Saag2007 07. 21.
Peter Lipa, László Attila
VH színházterme2006 12. 01.
Főtér2006 09. 07.
Eldad Tarmu and string quartet
Zsinagóga2006 09. 07.
Szakcsi Lakatos Béla Trio
Zsinagóga2006 08. 11.
Színek szimfóniája
Zsinagóga2006 06. 13.
Harry Sokal, Pavel Bodnár
Zsinagóga2006 05. 05.
Trio Tarana
Zsinagóga2006 04. 29.
Balázs Elemér Group
Zsinagóga2006 04. 29.
Földvári Gergely Trió
Zsinagóga2006 04. 28.
AMC trio
Zsinagóga2006 03. 23.
Ty Garner and Blue Note
Zsinagóga2005 10. 30.
Elsa Valle - Winand Gábor
Zsinagóga2005 09. 18.
Close Harmony Friends
Zsinagóga2005 09. 11.
Froy Aagre: Offbeat
ESO Étterem2005 07. 26.
Eldad Tarmu,Nothing But Swing
Homok2005 07. 01.
Classic - jazz art duo
Zsinagóga2005 06. 14.
Carl Orrje Visby Jazz Trio
MAI (ZUŠ) Ipolyság2005 05. 20.
Csikós Attila és Oláh Szabolcs
Villa Romaine2005 03. 02.
Ján Hajnal
MAI (ZUŠ) Ipolyság2004 10. 05.
Nothing But Swing Trio
Zsinagóga2004 08. 31.
Ron Affif Trio
Zsinagóga2004 08. 01.
East Quartet
Villa Romaine2004 07. 02.
Mike del Ferro trio
MAI (ZUŠ) Ipolyság2004 06. 26.
Kazimierz Jonkisz Trio
Villa Romaine2004 01. 26.
The Idea of North
Cameron Center2003 11. 19.
Bass Friends
Cameron Center2003 11. 04.
Close Harmony Friends
Zsinagóga2003 09. 14.
William Feasley
Zsinagóga2003 07. 25.
Andy Middleton Quartet
Bovi2003 07. 21.
Jeff Gardner
Zsinagóga2003 05. 22.
Peter Lipa: Beatles (in) Blue(s)
Mozi2003 04. 15.
Trio Ondreja Krajňáka
MAI (ZUŠ) Ipolyság2003 04. 01.
Krajňák, Kováč
Mozi2002 12. 04.
Peter Lipa, Winand Gábor
Mozi2001 11. 27.
MS Centrum Artist építése
Zsinagóga2001 07. 31.
Walking Vision
2001 03. 22.
Fortuna2001 01. 21.
FBI (Funky Band International)
Mozi2001 01. 21.
Mozi2001 01. 18.
Bratislava hot Serenaders
Bovi Étterem2001 01. 01.
Ron Affif
Mozi2000 10. 18.

Szakcsi Lakatos Béla Trio

Zsinagóga, 2006 08. 11.

Szakcsi Lakatos Béla - zongora, Orbán György - nagybőgő, Lakatos Pecek András - dob
2006 08. 11.
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Great Evening in Sahy

Szerző: Pavol Srna • Nyelv: English • Forrás: Jazzsaag.sigillum.sk

The jazz fans in our town are used to artists who are a big name in the world of jazz music. These personalities are expected to play charming/fascinating music and usually do this. Young group members are quite often introduced here and they greatly surprise the audience. This happened during the live performance of Szakcsi (Sa-chi) Lakatos Béla's Trio in Šahy. Szakcsi (Sa-chi) Lakatos Béla, as a member of Special EFX, toured the world and several records of his music have been made. He is transforming gypsy-flavored melodies into jazz. Lakatos plays the piano percussively wavy a bit out of time ( Lakato's originals are full of rich melodies, which are unpredictable and intriguing. We were satisfied, because he played what we expected. He seemed a bit tired but during improvisation we could see his well known moue expressing his deep concentration on music. Orbán György played double-bass reliably. Lakatos Pecek András remind me of Jack DeJohnette's complicated playing - several rhythm lines being played at the same time. He did it very well and I considered him the biggest surprise of the evening. The Szakcsi (Sa-chi) Lakatos Béla's Trio played contemporary post-bop jazz with a lot of freejazz elements. I'm sure the audience had a great evening on August 11th.

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